Monday, September 7, 2009

Of getais and luscious black locks

I did it again... this time it was a wireless digital perm over the weekend. I have been toying with the idea as i get tired of the same hairstyle easily. About a month ago, i was hanging out with L and i brought up the subject. She went "NO!!!!!! 我们都一把年纪了!!!" Yes, her reaction was that strong. In her mind, curls mean auntie. The idea had been planted too deeply though and i went ahead regardless.

I permed my hair a couple of times before but the tool used this time was slightly different. The rollers were wireless, emitting heat and very heavy! I was carrying at least 30 rollers on my head, pulling on my scalp. The result? Luscious black curls... ha ha

This weekend too, i experienced my first live getai performance. 80% of the songs sung were in Hokkien. Luckily i can understand some Hokkien. In general, singers take turns to sing 2 - 3 songs before they rush off to their next performance. It's ok if you get there early and manage to grab a seat. It's not so comfortable to have to stand for hours for the performance. A few facts about getais - they are uniquely Singaporean, happen only in the hungry ghost month and audience do not have to pay a single cent to watch!

1 comment:

"J-A-C-K" said...

Really curious with your new look.. must be very nice... post some pics leh..