Monday, October 5, 2009

Not meant to be

I have always liked chunky rings. About two months ago, i saw one that i really liked and decided to purchase it as a gift for myself (always lots of gifts for myself). Happily, i wore it every day until one week later, it slipped off my wet finger and rolled into the gap at the office building lift entrance. I immediately called A and asked whether it would be recoverable and he assured me that it would be. A few days later, the lift maintenance guys managed to find the ring for me but it was dented and totally out of shape!

As the ring was still under warranty, i decided to try my luck and see whether the shop could repair it for me. My expectation was exceeded when the shop replaced my ring, free of charge.

I only realised on the plane en route to SF that i left the ring in the toilet in HKIA during transit. There was no way i could recover it. Felt a little disturbed and was seriously considering getting another identical one to replace the one i lost.

Related my lost ring tale to some pals during dinner last week. F said that something similar happened to her phone before. If something lost and recovered got lost again, it's just not meant to be, i.e., forget about the idea of buying another identical ring.

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