Thursday, October 30, 2014

Green Island

We smelt like the BBQ all-you-can eat dinner we just had, and were feeling lazy and lethargic after a day under the hot sun, but the zhaori hot spring was something we couldn't miss, it being a rare sea-water hot spring.  Armed with a small torch, we hopped on to the rental electric scooter and started our journey towards the hot spring in the dark.  As we had not been to the eastern part of the island yet, we did not know what to expect ahead of us, all we knew was that the hot spring was 12 to 13 km away.

After travelling for a bit, it was clear that we were moving away from the town area as the road lights became dimmer.  After a certain point it went pitch dark and all we could rely on was the headlight and my small torch.  I could hear and feel the waves even though I could not see a thing.  The cool breeze against my skin was welcome after a whole day of trying to hide from the sun.  Raise my head and I could see the sky full of stars, something we never get to see in Singapore.

I was prepared to hop off the scooter to walk, like I did in the day, when the scooter could not take our combined weight when going uphill, but luckily I did not have to.

After fifteen minutes or so, we reached the hot spring area.  It was rather crowded at night as it was too hot to soak during the day.  The hot spring area was quite big, and quite unlike any of the hot springs I have been before.  There was an indoor area, several outdoor pools with both hot and not-so-hot pools.  We alternated between the hot and cold pools a few times before making our way to the second part of the hot spring nearer to the sea.  I felt like I was soaking in warm sea water.

That night I had a really good and dreamless sleep, an after effect of a good soak in the hot spring.

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